Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Its a waiting game!

As some of you know, Jeff and I had a miscarriage back in February. I haven't FULLY recovered. The notion is always in the back of my mind that if it happened once, it could happen again, but I am moving forward.

We are officially trying again to get pregnant since the doctors told us to wait at least two cycles before we can try again (of course we didn't wait, you can say we practiced) so now we are in the 3rd month and going strong.

So, the whole process can be a hit or miss and that alone can be frustrating. But after the fertile mertil part of the month where you have to time things just right in order to conceive your little miracle, the waiting now begins.

All the experts out there give lists of things to look for before you can actually test to see if you are pregnant (since it may still be too early to tell). My concern is, half those symptoms occur if you are pregnant or not (you know, the Aunt Flo visit). Some of the symptoms that are listed on the Parents website are, fatigue, bloating, frequent urination, cramping, cravings, headaches and so on. So as you try to weed out the question am I pregnant or not, you basically still have to wait and see if you are late so you can take a pregnancy test anyway.

So, that is where we are right now. We are in limbo. We wait for either the knock on the door from Aunt Flo or get the notification she will be away for 9 months.


Kellan said...

I wish you luck! It is not easy after a miscarriage (I know), but it will all work out - I'm sure!! Take care - Kellan

Jori said...

Fertility is such a mystery to me. With Kaitlin we got pregnant the very first try. After that we have never been able to. The doctors can't give us an explanation either. It's crazy stuff! Good luck! I know everything will work out.:)

Anonymous said...

Oh how exciting for you all. I wish you all the blessing in the world for having children. It will happen when it is supposed to, but I can't imagine how you feel waiting to find out!!! The suspense...keep us posted sugar...I've been wondering about ya'll :)

The Sweet Family said...

I hope Aunt Flo does NOT plan a visit!!

How exciting for you guys.

Have a great weekend!!!