Monday, June 2, 2008

Feel The Burn

I know the title for today's entry sounds like something from a bad aerobics work out video from the 80's, but I promise its nothing like that. Its the first thing that popped in my head the other day when my FIL asked me "do you want to take the bikes out?". What he means by the bikes are our kick-ass mountain bikes. Ok, ok, I know mine is a hand-me down from my work (there was a raffle and I won) and my FIL's bike is a little old, but who cares. They still get the job done for us!

At first John just wanted to go around the block. We rode out of our driveway and started to head down the street and all of a sudden I hear, naaaaa lets go to the reservoir. Yeah! We both ran inside to change into our official bike riding clothes. Then he placed the bikes onto his neat-o rack on his truck and then we were off. You might be asking, where is your husband? Well, he was home trying to make it to the next level on Call of Duty.

Our bikes on the neat-o rack

Anyways, we arrived at the reservoir and the entrance way was lined with cars. I guess everyone else had the same idea, either to walk or ride in this beautiful area. In no time the bikes were on the ground and we were riding on the pathway around the water.

Entrance into the Reservoir

I didn't realize how much I missed being in that area. The sights, smells and peacefulness. Its hard to describe the smells that had awaken my senses right then and there while riding, but its a mix of pine, dirt and the woods. Those scents mixed together just mean happiness for me. It must be why I love the outdoors so much.

Half-Way Point View Around Reservoir

Ok, back on subject, we "felt the burn" in our muscles on the first incline around the reservoir. Yeah it wasn't long into our ride that we had, but we were out there having fun and getting exercise (no pain, no gain...huh?). We really enjoyed our ride watching the families walking or biking, spotting the wildlife (turtles, baby geese, a hawk and chipmunks). I hope we can fit another ride in this weekend, even if its just once around like the other day. Oh how I love the warm weather!

Turtles Sunning Themselves


The Sweet Family said...

I love the pic of the turtles! Nature just amazes me.

As for biking, uh no! I think since I have gotten older, my balance on a bicycle is different and I don't feel comfortable. I like my feet firmly planted on the ground. ~smile~

Anonymous said...

The pictures of the turtles is so cute! I'm glad you had a nice ride - your man sure is serious about his vidoe games (I can relate). It is cool that you and your FIL are so close :)

PS - you just made me want to get a bike and ride :)