Friday, September 18, 2009

Almost Time

Its almost time again to go visit Zack. Yeah! Next week this time, we will be visiting with Zack and my family in Maryland. I can't wait to see him and my Grandpa.

We plan to see family (and they can see Zack & Drew) and go apple picking. Since our fall visit has been changed to Maryland (it used to be that Zack would come to MA for this visit) Zack misses out on our area's big fall fair and our apple picking tradition. There is nothing we can do about the fair, but we can still go apple picking (we'll still go here at home too, since I can't make apple crisps in the hotel room). Also, Grandpa gets to join us for the festivities too. I'm sure Drew will have a fun time too since he's in that curious mode these days!!

1 comment:

Cherish said...

I miss apple picking. We used to go when I was a kid in Ontario but now that Im way out east, its just not done here.

Have fun though, it sounds like you'll have a blast!