Monday, August 18, 2008


OK, I'm not testing a microphone or anything, but testing will be done on me and Jeff. I had a doctor's appointment today regarding our pregnancy hardships that we have encountered this year. I just wanted to touch base with the doctor and chat about what's been going on.

He mentioned there really isn't too much that can be done until after 3 miscarriages occur, but he probably saw the look on my face and offered that we could start doing simple tests now to eliminate some causes. When he mentioned that I gamble with my next pregnancy (when ever that will be) and see if I miscarry again before any testing takes place, my heart just sank.

But, he ordered some blood tests for Jeff and I too see if our chromosomes are in check, to make sure some other things in my blood are not present causing me to miscarry and to see if I may have some sort of "wall" in my uterus that may prevent from pregnancy's to advancing. So, Jeff and I will take care of our blood tests this week and I have to schedule my ultrasound.

So, now I feel a little better now. There may be some answers or maybe nothing (I hope nothing so it just means mother nature was doing her job rather then my body rejecting the pregnancy's). I will keep everyone posted. I'm not sure when the results will be in. Jeff and I still have to wait a few months before we can start trying again too. But until then, wish us luck!


The Sweet Family said...

I am always wishing for you two. You both deserve the best!!!

Take care!

Anonymous said...

I am thinking of you all and sending the most positive thoughts your way! Keep us posted :)
