Friday, August 15, 2008

Chocolate Milk Cows

I'm not sure if you all know this, but I can have a warped sense of humor (hard to believe, I know). Sometimes, it just happens and other times I can pick the situation.

When I was younger and riding in the car, I had time to sit in the back seat and have many thoughts running through my head. One of the vivid ones I can remember was the thought of cows producing chocolate milk. Why not since the produce plain milk?!?!

So, lets fast forward to a nice car ride, with Jeff driving, me in the front passenger seat and Zack nestled in the back seat about 5 or 6 years old. We were driving along a country road and cows were coming up in pastures ahead. I noticed they were the dark brown cows and my thoughts came rushing back and I blurted out to Zack, Hey those cows make chocolate milk! He looked out the window and in the most amazed voice, said really? I shock my head and said yup. And Jeff just looked at me with a little smirk on his face.

Now, about a year ago we were all in the car and Zack who was 9 years old at the time. We ended up going down the SAME country road and I hear from the back seat, hey those are the chocolate milk cows. I smirked and said yup!

I don't know if I have corrupted my step-son for life or he was just humoring me, but it was damn funny to hear it coming from the back seat several years later. He's never out right asked us if it was true or not, but we'll have to wait and see when we get THOSE therapy bills!

Happy TGIF!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cute story! I love the innocence of kids...the fun part is that he will probably tell his children the same thing one and and remember fondly you sharing about the chocolate milk cows with him :) TGIF is right!!
