Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is the day to give thanks. Everyday should be a day to show how grateful you are about those around you, but I won't pass up a great holiday to celebrate that includes pumpkin pie.
I am grateful for my wonderful family who has assisted us through many things, big and small.
I am grateful for my beautiful little boy who has blessed our family this year.
I am grateful for a wonderful husband, who is a devoted father and husband.
I am grateful for friends who care.
I am also grateful for those baby items that have helped us out so far-
Desitin Diaper Cream
Disposable Diapers
Blue's Clue's
Little People CD
Car Seat Wedge
Pre-made baby food
Cell phone camera (ok its not a baby item, but its used for the baby)
Nursery Rhymes and songs
and many other covenant products!
Happy Thanksgiving!!

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