My son loves motorcycles. Yes, he's almost 16 months old, but he L-O-V-E-S the two wheel machines. Yeah, he likes trucks, buses and tractors, but once he hears or sees a vroom, vroom, nothing else matters.
Last weekend, while Zack was here, my FIL requested all of his grand kids get together for a photo session at Target. So, last Saturday we all met up and the kids were going through the motions pretty well. Then all of a sudden, something caught Drew's eye and off he went. Target has a promotion going on with Harley Davidson and they had a kid size Harley in the room where the photo's happen and Drew noticed it. It was all over then! There was no way of getting Drew back on the leather couch with the other kids for the pics. We finally said, just put Drew and the bike in the photo's, and that's how the photo session continued.
The other day my FIL was on craigslist checking something out for himself when he did a search for a kids Harley. And what do you know, he got a hit on one cheap. That night he asked that I email the seller and the rest was history. The other night, my FIL and I drove an hour from our house, picked up the bike and turned right around and headed home. We were debating on letting Drew see the bike that night or not, but we decided by the time we would get home, it would be too close to bed time and he would never fall asleep.
The next night, we decided to reveal the new purchase to the little guy. Once the shed doors opened up, he made an oooooh sound and made a bee line straight for the Harley. He hopped on and flashed the biggest smile! Grandpy helped him out of the shed (while he was sitting on the bike) and Drew was off from there. He pressed the peddle with his foot, and there was no stopping him then! His little cousin was over for a visit, so he also hopped on the back of the bike for a spin around the yard!