Thursday, July 10, 2008

Aunt Flo is M.I.A.

Aunt Flo is missing. Don't send out flyer's, don't make phone calls, don't have a press conference. She is missing in action and I couldn't be happier.

With that news, I am happy to announce that I am 6 weeks pregnant as of today and due 3/6/2009. I know it may be a little early, but I want to record everything that comes and goes for the next several months. And share my experiences with all my lovely friends. We are going to wait until after vacation (about mid-august) to tell the extended family and work.

I had my official appointment yesterday afternoon and it went so much better then last time. I have a new doctor with a wonderful nurse practitioner. The only thing I was disappointed was they didn't wait for Jeff to get there to start the apt since he was a few minutes late. I was the only one there, it wasn't like I was holding up someone else. But, he got there and we heard the good news together.

My next apt is 8/5 for the history paperwork. Then a few weeks later will be my first physical. I'm so excited!


floreksa said...



The Sweet Family said...


EXCELLENT just made my day.

Congrats to you and Jeff!!!

Bottles Barbies And Boys said...

May you have a happy healthy pregnancy!

katie k-h said...

So, so, so happy for you!!

Good call on switching Md's!! : )

I hope you have a very happy and healthy nine months!!


Kellan said...

WOW - How exciting! Congratulations!! Take care - Kellan

Anonymous said...

This made me so happy! What wonderful news Amanda!!!! Congrats :) What a great blessing :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, how wonderful! Congratulations!